Donald Miller
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In Father Fiction, Donald Miller writes about the struggles of growing up without a father and what he has learned from it. The book is an updated and expanding version of one of his earlier books, To Own A Dragon.
I was not in the target demographic for this book (those that grew up without fathers) but still found it to be a very interesting read. Miller is very honest about how the lack of a father in his life impacted him. I did tend to wonder though if his ideas about how much having a father improves things were somewhat overstated. Certainly having a good father is very valuable but I'm not sure its the cure-all he sometimes made it sound.
In addition to discussing fatherlessness, Miller shares a lot of wisdom on topics like love, family and work that he has learned on his bumpy life journey. Much of the advice is applicable regardless of your family situation growing up. He also reflects a lot on what it means to have God as our father. I was often challenged by what he had to say and will probably read it again to better understand the material.
I "read" this book in audiobook format. The conversational style of the book makes it a good choice for audio and it was narrated well. It tends to follow a similar narrative style to his other books like Blue Like Jazz.
Regardless of whether you had a good father, a bad father or no father in your life, I think there's things you can learn from this book.
Review copy provided by christianaudio.com