Shaunti Feldhahn and Robert Lewis
In The Life Ready Women, Shaunti Feldhahn and Robert Lewis explain how women can live a balanced and God centred life in our modern world.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I suspected it would be a lot of self-help style strategies for doing more but it wasn’t. Instead there was a lot of interesting reflection on how what the bible say should shape how we think about being a women and the different stages of life we find ourselves in.
While no doubt some will dispute the finer details of how the book deals with gender roles, I think the authors did a good job of handling the issue in a sensitive and biblical manner. Some of what they have said about what submission looks like and how it matters would be worth pondering on for people of both genders.
One of the big ideas in the book is that you can’t do everything so you need to choose carefully. This is no doubt true and a much needed reminder for some people. I did sometimes wonder though if they sometimes overstated their case as to how much might need to be let go of.
Overall, this is a worthwhile read for Christian women of all ages and stages of life.
Review copy courtesy of Litfuse group