"All four Gospel writers painted the life of Jesus Christ in different lights. In their own unique ways they emphasized different aspects of His life because they were writing to different audiences. Matthew paints Christ in the morning. He begins with a long genealogy and birth story. Mark paints Christ in the afternoon. He takes no time to sketch the early years but hits the ground running at the hot height of Christ’s ministry. Luke paints Christ in the evening. It is the longest gospel, coupled with Acts, meticulously portraying the Last Supper and the evening in the garden of Gethsemane. John paints Christ in the midnight. When all the world was dark with sin and doubt, Jesus Christ pierced the blackness and showed Himself as the light and hope of humanity. On its own, each gospel appears isolated and disconnected, but when viewed together, as the Holy Spirit delivered them to us, they represent a multidimensional picture of the life of Jesus, a three-dimensional portrait of His nature. And such a work of art demands our response of admiration and worship."
From Sex, Sushi, and Salvation: Thoughts on Intimacy, Community, and Eternity